Org Roam

Created: Jan 3 2025, 20:15 UTC
Last modified: Jan 19 2025, 21:49 UTC

A rudimentary roam replication in org mode and Emacs.

Used for implementing general note taking and Zettelkestan.

How to take smart notes with org mode:

Good quote here:

The primary purpose of note-taking should not be for storing ideas, but for developing them. When we take notes, we should ask: “In what context do I want to see this note again?”

  • Fleeting notes (random thoughts) are taken on the daily notes

How I take notes with org-roam

Uses slip boxes:

  • reference
  • main
  • articles (not really interested in this)

He also uses an inbox, which I guess could just be my GTD inbox.

Reference notes have a ROAM_REF key, which comes in two flavours:

  • [cite:key] for books
  • the URL for websites

I am unclear what cite:key is supposed to mean, but this may have something to do with org-ref.

Everything has draft tag until they don’t.