Personal Information Management

Created: May 21 2024, 13:47 UTC
Last modified: Dec 25 2024, 07:50 UTC

Personal Information Management is the science and practice of creating and maintaining information that is personal to you.

Some of it is private, like phone numbers and addresses, and some of it can be public, like a page of notes on SSL certificate basics.

Even if it’s public though, it’s personal. This is not a node about PIM, this is Desmond’s node about PIM.

  • I strive to use Emacs for PIM, though in the past I used other software like Todoist.
  • I use org mode for my TODO Items.
  • At the moment I’m using BBDB for contacts, which makes it accessible between computers, but not really my phone.
  • Trying to use org-roam for my notes (digital garden), but open to other suggestions, line denote.