Working Around Udisk Not Mouting External Drive
Linux Mint 22, at some point, would recognize my external USB drive, but would not mount it.
The system is supposed to be using udisk. It's supposed to recognize when the disk was connected and dynamically create the mount point in media/dcr
Even though the device would appear in my Nemo window, I'd get a missing folder error, as if the system knew it was supposed to create the mount point, but refused to, and then complained when it wasn't there.
Here's a way to get around it for now.
First get the UUID of the unmounted disk. I used the Disks application. It's 84405FA1405F98AE in my case.
Then create a folder under /mount/dcr:
cd /media/dcr
mkdir backups03
Add this to /etc/fstab (tab after each column):
UUID=84405FA1405F98AE /media/dcr/backups03 ntfs defaults 0 1