Different Approaches to the CMS


Wikis versus Blogs

Some people regard blogs and wikis as two different kinds of software. They point to differences:

Of course, none of this is cut and dry. Although wikis tend to be used for collaboration, most of them have configurations that can restrict editing to just one user. Blogs often come with plugins that let you write your article in wiki-esque markup syntax. And wikis can be used as personal soapboxes; why not?

The fact is, there are many similarities between wikis and blogs:

There's a term for something which combines aspects of wikis and blogs: a bliki

So, I consider wikis and blogs to be slightly different manifestations of a more general idea which for lack of a better name I'm going to call "Lightweight Article Management Software".

Another difference

One key difference is the focus of the two pieces of software. Blogs tend to focus on polished articles published on particular dates. Wikis tend to focus of a pages that can be edited at will. Although you can certainly edit articles with blogs, it's not the main use case. It's not uncommon for people to subscribe to an RSS feed of changes to a wiki page. It would be uncommon to do that for a blog entry.

Blackbox Interfaces versus Whitebox Views

In terms of implementation, I used to think that one of the main dividing lines was whether the blogging software used a database to store the articles or whether it used flat files. A good example of the former would be Wordpress. Good examples of the latter would be Blosxom or MoinMoin. Taking a closer look at MoinMoin, however, convinced me that the dividing line was in the wrong place.

The ''real'' dividing line is between systems which implement Blackbox Interfaces versus system which implement Whitebox Views (I'm making these terms up). A blackbox interface system in one where the articles are stored in some kind of nebulous "blackbox". The system ships with some canonical interfaces (usually web based, but I suppose some probably come with command line tools as well) for pulling out and editing the articles in the storage area, but it's not as if you can just go in and start hacking away at the articles without these interfaces. At least, not ''easily''.

Wordpress (and essentially any system that that stores their articles in a database) is a blackbox interface system. I think that MoinMoin, despite storing articles in flat files, is a blackbox system because it's not obvious, looking at the data tree, how the system actually reads the articles. You're not encouraged to fire up a shell session and start manipulating away with normal Unix command line tools.

(Note that I'm just starting to use MoinMoin so my opinion here may change.)

Blosxom is different; it's a Whitebox View system. This means that you ''start'' with articles on the file system, and the program's job is to ''interpret'' that article tree as a categorized tree of blog articles. Then it displays them, in reverse chronological order, using the file's timestamp as the date of creation. The basic idea is to try as much as possible to reuse well known idioms in filesystem management and move these into the blogosphere. You try as much as you can to implement features by re-using features of the filesystem (or other well-known pieces of software).

This sort of system encourages you to tinker with the filesystem; indeed, by default, that's the only way to create or edit a new blog entry in blosxom. Of course, nothing prevents you from bolting on a web interface for editing and creation new blog entries, but that's not considered the ''canonical'' method of managing your blog.

The problem with blosxom, unfortunately, is that it's butt-ugly. I'm not talking about the default HTML (though that's ugly too), but rather the whole architecture. What blosxom does have is a good idea. Combine that with a program that is actually ''nice to look at'' and you have a winner.